Stock Information
How do I know if the product is available?
Because we want to help you find what you're after, we've made it easy for you to see what's available in our online store. Our handy traffic light system will tell you the stock availability:
- Green: item is in stock. (the ability to add an item to your 'basket' confirms its availability in our stock).
- Amber: item is low in stock (we currently have this item in stock, but the quantity is limited. You won't be able to add more than our current stock level to your 'basket').
- Red: item is out of stock (should an item be out of stock, you won't be able to add it to your 'basket').
What to do if an item is low in stock or unavailable?
It is important for us to get the product you want to you, we're working hard to give you more ways to find it.
Get notified when item is back in stock
If you saw something is out of stock online, you can sign up for back-in-stock notifications and we'll send you an email as soon as it's available again.
I need an item ASAP!
If you come across an item labelled as unavailable online, but you desperately need it for you job, click here to reach out to our team and we'll be happy to help!