How can I order for next day delivery?
Next Working Day Delivery is the standard shipping option for orders heading to England, Wales, and the Scottish Mainland (subject to stock availability and couriers' postcode restriction).
Postcodes that Next Working Day Delivery Available
AL, AB1-30, AB39, B, BA, BB, BD, BH, BL, BN, BR, BS, CA, CB, CF, CH, CM, CO, CR, CT, CV, CW, DA, DD, DE, DG, DH, DL, DN, DT, DY, E, EC, EH, EN, EX, FK1-18, FY, G, GL, GU, HA, HD, HG, HP, HR, HU, HX, IG, IP, KA1-26, KT, KY, L, LA, LD, LE, LL, LN, LS, LU, M, ME, MK, ML, N, NE, NG, NN, NP, NR, NW, OL, OX, PA1-19, PE, PH1, PH11-14, PL, PO1-29, PR, RG, RH, RM, S, SA, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SN, SO, SP, SR, SS, ST, SW, SY, TA, TD, TF, TN, TQ, TR1-20, TR26-27, TS, TW, UB, W, WA, WC, WD, WF, WN, WR, WS, WV, YO
What is the cut-off time for Next Working Day Delivery?
To be eligible for next-day delivery, please ensure your order is placed before either 12:00 or 15:00, depending on package size, from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
For orders containing items that can be packed into a standard cardboard box and shipped via DPD, the deadline is 15:00 from Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
If your order includes lengthy items (e.g. shower door seals, shower u-channels, handrails...) or those unsuitable for standard cardboard packaging (e.g. shower support bar) or shipped using FedEx, the cutoff time is 12:00 from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
If time is important, using timed deliveries
For urgent orders that have a deadline to meet you have various service options:
- Pre 9:00 am
- Pre 10.30 am
- Pre 12:00 noon
To use above shipping options, please Contact Us and we'll happy to help.
Just one more thing...
Kindly note that the provided date is an estimate as we rely on third-party delivery partners. Your order might arrive before, on, or slightly after the estimated delivery date.
We aim to meet our delivery promise, but delays and changes may happen.